The SERVE> Network Gathering is an effort to connect and empower Christian Leaders through collaboration and sharing good information. The extension of this will be the CommUnity Gatherings where Leaders through the community will lead a prayer-oriented gathering in the same style.


AGENDA for the SERVE> Network Gathering

Link to free ticket:
12 NOON    Doors Open
(Time to connect–networking)
12:15 pm     Devotion/Prayer
Grab Lunch. 
12:20ish pm   Program Intro – Sherri Baierl
Presentations immediately follow
5 mins – Major Catherine Fitzgerald
5-mins – Amber Rockey
5 mins — Sherri Baierl – walk through prayer gatherings
5 mins – TBA
12:45 pm   Time to Connect–(Networking)
1:05 pm     Tours if requested
1:30 pm     Soft ending
2:00 pm     Doors Close/Cleanup


AGENDA for the SERVE> CommUnity Gathering

Link to free ticket:
Sponsors: Community Organizations

  • Jan. 2025–SERVE Network Gathering–Salvation Army on Union Court. Co-hosts: SERVE and Major Catherine Fitzgerald
  • Feb. 20th, 2025–Remnant Church, 1265 Cass St.–Host: Ps. Scott Eastman
  • Mar. 20th, 2025–Journey Church, 1800 Grant St.–Host: Ps. Chaz Pelky
  • Apr. 17th, 2025–Location TBD–Host: Phil and Rita Schounard
  • May 22nd, 2025–Gateway Collective, ~217 N. Washington St.–Host: Christian Jensen
  • June 24th, 2025–St. John’s/Micah Center, 612 Stuart St.– Host: Jesse Brunette or Tony Schneider
  • July 10th, 2025–Grace Christian Academy, 1087 Kellogg St.–Host: Jeremy Johnson
  • Aug. 5th, 2025–SERVE Network Gathering and Lunch at
  • NEW Lutheran High School, 1211 S. Robinson Ave.–Host: Chris Nelson
  • Sept. 25th, 2025, Young Life, Irwin Ave.–Host: Heather Faulkner
  • Oct. 2025, Awaken, Location TBD–Host: Kasia Klaus
  • Nov. and Dec. 2025 – no gathering


Doors open at 11:45 am
Prayer/Devotion 12 noon
Lunch line 12:05 pm

12:05-12:25, table groups share updates and pray for each other’s needs
12:25-12:35, share ideas on needs in the city either in table groups or in the large group
12:35-12:55, share action items and pray for the items brought to attention and the needs of the city from this list below. “Pray for this area.”

12:55-1:00 PM, closing thoughts and group prayer
1:00 PM – 1:30 PM, time to connect/network
1:30 PM, doors close.

PRAY for this area:
Pray for those impacted by winter and severe weather
Food and housing insecurity/affordability and lack of staff or resources
Growing homeless population
Growing drug and crime issues
Significant need for childcare
Schools are facing new challenges daily
Ministries and ministers are overburdened with growing needs
For unity among Christian ministries
For a renewed focus on the Great Commission and Great Commandment